


To preserve the beauty and shine of your Gemx Jewellery designer pieces, Follow these simple steps:


  • Gently clean your stones with a soft or lint-free cloth dampened with water only. 


  • Be careful while using any soaking method to clean jewellery that has soft stones, as extended soaking in any solution may harm the stone's polish.


  • Never use bleach, toothpaste and other abrasives to clean jewellery.


  • The designs and material of the jewellery should be protected from heat, light, chemicals and water as much as possible, both at the time of wearing or storing them. 


  • Keep your jewellery away from water to avoid damage to the gemstones and material.


  • Keep your jewellery away from chemicals as chemicals can damage or discolour precious metals and can cloud your gemstones permanently.


  • Take off your jewellery before applying lotion, or any makeup products, shampoo, perfume or other cosmetics as these can wear away the nacre or can cause colour change quite quickly.


  • Take off your jewellery before going to the beach or swimming as chlorine in water can damage gemstones.


  • Take off your Jewellery before doing dishes.


  • Ensure that gemstone Jewellery is stored away from direct sunlight, as many Gemstones can fade under extreme exposure to light. Gemstones can sometimes darken over time when exposed to too much light.


  • Always store your gemstones separately to avoid scratches from harder gems.


  • The plating will rub off more quickly when there is constant contact with skin, and finally, All gemstone Jewellery requires a check-up, so make sure to polish it regularly.


         While taking care of all these things, make sure you enjoy them too! 

                                                  REPAIR POLICY

If you purchase any jewellery from Gemx jewellery, you are eligible to receive a free repair within one year of the original purchase date. If a jewellery piece is damaged after the first year, we will facilitate the repair at an additional cost. Gemx Jewellery may refuse to repair any piece of jewellery for any reason whatsoever. We are not responsible for lost or damaged jewellery after delivery has been accepted. For more details, please contact us at [email protected]. Please allow 15-20 business days for repair. Fashion jewellery and vermeil jewellery are not eligible for repair.

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